My goal for this week was for this to be my "going to the desert" experience to be with God. Like Jesus began his ministry going to the wilderness, like the 4th century "desert fathers" went to the wildness this was my going. I wanted to see if I could actually be a week without talking to people. I had arranged to text Debra & Ben first thing in the morning and posted an OK on my SPOT every evening. Debra didn't get her text on Sunday due to my mistake but finally reached Ben to know I was OK. In a world of so much talking and noise I wanted to really listen to God, let God search me out and see if I could actually be with just myself for a week. I put all the clocks away in order to structure my day around prayer. Morning prayers at sunrise, evening prayers at sunset and night prayers at bedtime. During these prayer times I would also read Psalm's slowly out loud as part of my prayers. Try it sometime, its very profound.
The Chickadees provided company |
Sunrise from the East |
The Wisdom of The Desert: Thomas Merton: excerpts of the Desert Fathers & Mothers
The Little Flowers of Saint Francis: stories of his and the friers life
Early Christian Fathers: 2nd Century writings of Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, Didache & Justin Martyr
Walden: Henry David Thoreau : His 2 year experience living in the woods at Walden pond in 1845
The Solace of Fierce Landscapes: Exploring Desert & Mountain Spirituality: Belden C. Lane
Mt. Washington in NH viewed from Cabin deck. |
It was wonderful to be free from time and sleep when I was tired, get up when I was awake, eat when I was hungry, etc. Although I cannot say that like the man the Apostle Paul mentions I went to the "7th heaven" God met me there. Much like Elijah on the mountain the Lord was there in a "still small voice". God's word to me from the Psalm's was "be still and know that I am God." There is so much more to tell but I'll leave it at the Lord can have the last word. :) Please continue to keep me in your prayers as I do you.
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