Friday, March 22, 2013

Experiencing God in the Everglades Challenge

Paddling into sunrise in Chokoloskee Bay
Florida Bay
Sunset at Key Largo
 Since the theme of this sabbatical is "Experiencing God in the Wilderness" I have been reflecting some on how this has happened this past month. It was just 3 weeks ago that Ben and I were preparing to do the Everglades Challenge beginning in Tampa Bay. However, in reflecting on this I realize that I have been experiencing God's presence and reality not only in the beauty of a sunrise, sunset or in all of the life in the Florida Bay. These were amazing times of experiencing God's creative power up close and personal and I cherish each one.  But I also experience God's presence in the beauty of a father- son relationship and later in times with Debra, Emily, Sara, David & Joshua and other family and friends.  What a gift to cherish our families are. Let us not take them for granted. In addition I experienced God's presence in the wildness of the waves when I was afraid and the sound of the breakers on the surf while I slept.  It is good to know that no matter what the circumstance or situation we are in God's hands.
I also experience God's presence in all of the other people I met this past month. Precious times on the water with conversations with others. God gives us the gift of each other. I experience God in the love that allowed my congregation to give me the freedom of this time. Finally I experience God our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in the still small voice whispering in my ear "You are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased." What a time to glorify God by enjoying God.

Ben has completed a video or each day of our journey and if your interested they are here.
Just click on the title and it will take you directly to the video. The higher quality you can set it at the better it will look. Have fun watching.

Setup and Day 1:   March 1 & 2
Day 2:                    March 3
Day 3:                    March 4
Day 4:                    March 5  (this was my favorite morning)
Day 5: Part 1:         March 6 (morning through the Nightmare - amazing video & music)
Day 5: Part 2:         March 6 (afternoon through night)
Day 6:                    March 7
Highlights of 6 days in 5 minutes:

In addition to the amazing time we had paddling I really had a great time Driving from Paterson to Tampa to Key Largo to Ft. Lauderdale to Boynton Beach to Holland Mi, to Traverse City MI and finally home.  I listened to the following 6 audio books during the 4,500 miles.

Deep Survival: Who lives, who dies and why? by Laurence Gonzales:
A great book that anyone paddling the everglades should listen to. Most significant is the one key thing that separates survivors of all kinds from those who do not to guess???? "A positive mental attitude.

Outliers: The Story of Success  by Malcolm Gladwell
A profound book exploring the story behind the story of those who are successful and the often untold circumstances and opportunities that they had. An outstanding book.

Good News about Injustice by Gary A Haugen.
This was a gift from Pastor Ken & Carolyn VanderWall and is a profound book exploring how Christians can really live out God's justice in the world today.

Mere Christianity, by C S Lewis
A Christian classic that is always profound and relevant. A great book for someone who is not a Christian or even opposed to Christianity.

Crazy Love; Overwhelmed by a Relentless God: Francis Chan
This is Chan challenge to a lunk-warm and complacent American Church. OK

What we talk about when we talk about God:  Rob Bell
A great book for someone who may not even believe in God or is hung up by all the churchy talk about God. I really appreciate Bell's attempt to get down to the basics and getting past all the jargon and superficial stuff. Great book!

So, in driving, listening, paddling, singing, praying, laughing, alone and with others I have had a wonderful month of experiencing God's presence in amazing ways.

1 comment:

  1. Pastor John,
    What a joy it is to hear how God has been blessing you and other during this season. May your heart remain open to His presence. Blessings
