Monday, January 14, 2013

Sabbatical Farewells

Although I can't seem to get this picture rightside up you get the idea. This is a picture of the cake that the congregation had for me yesterday as well as an entire dinner after church. During the service the elders and deacons also prayed over me. I felt very loved. Debra was so sorry she was home sick and missed it all but the congregation had flowers for her as well that cheered her up. 

I preached yesterday from Paul's final words to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:32 “ Now, I commit/commend/entrust  you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified..”
Although our context is different I felt that it was God's word to the congregation at this time. I feel that we have prepared will and greatly appreciate the congregation releasing me for this sabbatical for the next 4 months. So, after a final elders meeting tonight I'm officially "on sabbatical". We will all continue to pray for each other. Here's a picture of our deacon chairperson Vikki and Rick who we met paddling on the Passaic River and now a friend a part of our fellowship.

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